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How To Pack Light For Your Camping Trip

Connect with nature in the most fun and relaxing way possible by camping. The basic rule here is to pack the basic stuff or the things you really need for your trip. The minimalist campers would love this. This is an effective way to pack for the trip, especially during summer. We know that packing too much can bring unnecessary physical and mental strain. Let’s make things simple. Outdoor camping is about simplicity no matter how many days you intend to stay.  

Here are some tips on how to pack light for your camping trip.


Know Where To Camp

This will determine what essential to bring. If the campsite is filled with bugs and mosquitoes, then you need to pack a long-lasting bug spray or repellant to keep you protected from them. Bring a piece of swimwear (or just shorts for men) if you’ll be near the waters. The climate of the place will determine whether you need to bring extra layers or not.


Always Keep In Mind To Pack Fewer Clothes

Guess this one’s basic knowledge. This will not only save some space for other important stuff but also the weight that you have to carry.


Choose A Compact, Lightweight Backpack

A compact, lightweight backpack means fewer things to bring. This will remind you to leave the unnecessary stuff and only pack the most essential ones for your camping trip.

compact lightweight backpack 

Follow The One-Shirt-Per-Day Rule

This means you should only wear the same clothes for the whole camping day. For example, if you plan to camp for three days, bring only three extra lightweight shirts or tanks for each day you’ll be spending until you get home. You can change your clothes before bedtime. Remember to pack only one shirt to use for your overnight sleep. That same bedtime clothes you’ll wear on the first camping night will be your official and only bedtime clothes if you plan to camp for a couple more days.


Pack One Piece of Clothing

If you don’t plan to get too messy, then packing just a piece of clothing will be fine. That means bringing only one pair of outdoor pants or shorts, sweater, and jacket


Pack Lighter, Dark Clothes

Lightweight clothes are easy to pack as they can be folded easier and more compact, and doesn’t weight too much. Pack dry-fit or cotton-made clothes and khakis for a more breathable and lighter feel. Avoid denim as they’re bulkier and heavier. Also, wearing darker clothes can hide the stains and can be worn longer.

man wearing dark shirt 

Wear Only One Pair of Quality Boots or Sandals

This is what you’ll be wearing when you leave home, during your camp, and after. It is recommended to wear sandals, especially in hot climates. Boots are also fine for a more adventurous camping trip.


Pack The Basic Toiletries

This includes soap, a small pack of shampoo, deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste, comb, and sunscreen. These are the things that should fit on your outdoor toiletry bag. Don’t forget to bring a compact first aid kit just in case something wrong happens while on the trip.



Pack A Quick-Drying Microfiber Towel

The usual bath towels are thick, bulky, and slow-drying and you don’t need that for your minimalist camping. What you need is a quick-drying microfiber towel.



Use A Water Filter and Hydration Pack

This will save you some space instead of bringing extra water bottles. A water filter is effective if you plan to camp on nearby waters. You can then fill your hydration pack with the filtered water from the stream.


Bring Simple Food Supplies

Pack some easy-to-eat foods like trail snacks (nuts, crackers, cookies, chips, and dried fruits) to keep you energized, and prep some sandwiches and boiled eggs for the whole day. If you’re planning to camp for more than a day, then bring some food supplies that are easy to prepare and heat such as bread, hotdogs, marshmallows (for the s’ mores), packed soups, and canned goods. Set up a campfire so you can cook your food the minimalist way.


Limit Your Gadgets

Take advantage of the outdoors and leave most of your gadgets behind. Go swimming, hiking, hunting, sightseeing, or whatever you want on your camping trip, as long as you stay authentic with nature. Bring only your smartphone or an action camera if you plan to document your trip, and a portable charger or power bank to fuel your gadget; that’s it.


Bring A Sleeping Bag

This can actually save you from bringing extra pillows and blankets. A sleeping bag is enough for you to be comfortable and warm on your sleep at night.


Try Car Camping

Another way to keep your trip lightweight is to try car / RV camping. This will surely save you lots of stuff to bring and tents to set up.

man car camping 


Camp Closer To Home

This is a smart idea so you don’t need to bring a lot of stuff on the way. Remember, the farther you go, the more things you can think of stuff to put in your bag.


Be Firm On What To Leave Behind

It may be hard for you to think that you’ll be leaving a couple of things at home, but if you really want to pack light, then your goal is to be as basic, simple, and carefree as you can.


Free yourself from stress and strain of weighted packs by traveling lighter and simpler. This will spare you some more space in case you need to fit in some more important stuff in your bag along the way. You don’t always have to bring your home with you on your camping trips. Keep an open mind that things will go smooth even if you leave (many) things behind. You’ll see and feel the benefits of minimalist camping afterward.