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 Cool Themes That Will Make Your Camping Trip Stand Out

Are you jaded by the usual, old stuff that you do while camping? How do you make your camping trip more exciting for the pack? It may be that you and the other campers have some ideas or themes for your camp. It’s time to squeeze those creative noggins for a different kind of outdoor experience. Spice things up with cool themes that will make your camping trip stand out!


Uni-Color Theme

unicolor all yellow theme

All blue, all yellow, all purple, all green, or all whatever color you favor, it’s cool to see a family or group of friend campers wearing the same shade. This just doesn’t go for your clothes but also the same food color and stuff you’ll bring in the camp. You can go for a be-one-with-nature-theme with Earth colors and camouflage or you can follow season colors, for example, all orange or all red during the fall camping. Have a refreshing uni-colored beverage while drinking from your Glass Bottles and you can accessorize them with our Blue, Red, Orange, Green, or White Glass Bottle Sleeves.


Freaky Slasher Theme

freaky slasher theme

This scare-tactic is perfect not just for Halloween and for horror-enthusiasts who enjoy camping the whole year-round. The freaky slasher theme gives a different kind of excitement as you walk around the camp dressed up as a slasher (think of Jason from Friday the 13th, Freddy from Nightmare on Elm Street, Leatherface from Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Ghostface from Scream, and the likes). Unlucky you if the group decided to dress you up as one of the victims (with improvised blood and guts hanging around). You can re-enact what happened in those films, talk about your favorite parts, and tell creepy personal stories around the campfire. It’s a cool theme to have on your camping trip and hope the campers nearby (especially the kids) won’t freak out.


Throwback Decade Theme

throwback retro theme

The 70s, 80s, and 90s are some of the most colorful eras that we had. It’s nice to look back, walk down the memory lane, and bring the retro feels on your camping trip. Funky, outdated hairstyles, flashy clothes, cassette players, Polaroids, vintage stuff, and pop music played during the decade will amp your theme experience. You can search on the Internet what’s in and what’s not during that decade. Make sure your food is properly stored with our Foldable Insulated Picnic Basket.


Fear Factor Theme

fear factor heights theme

Have a challenging, twisted camping trip with a fear factor theme. Prep some edible crickets and worms (gummy) dipped in chocolate, dog food (cocoa puffs), and other nasty stuff (cold pasta, corn starch, water, etc.) for the challenges. Extreme activities are acceptable such as being blindfolded while doing an obstacle course while searching for an item in a flour filled with hairy spiders (toy/plastic), or while jumping on a cliff (not that high and that someone will catch you as you fall). You can engage in high Rope Climbing as well. Don’t forget to wear your Climbing Gloves. Put on a "Fear Factor" labeled shirt to complete the experience. This messy, thrilling, but fun theme might not only help you all overcome your fears, but will also make your whole trip. Remember to research, be creative with the challenges, and clean up after.


Favorite Movie / TV Show Theme

TV show the walking dead theme

Are you a fan of Star Wars, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Sons of Anarchy, The Walking Dead, Marvel and DC series, The Money Heist, and many more? There are a plethora of movies and TV shows that you and your pals love watching. Why not agree on being the characters from one TV show or movie, or be a character from your favorite show, while acting, talking, and eating like them? It’s like having a cosplay in the middle of the woods. Crazy but cool, fun, and you’ll all stand out from the other campers on your camping trip.


Medieval Theme

medieval knight theme

Bring out the inner kings, queens, knights, ladies, barbarian, and Westerosi-like style in you on the camp. The medieval theme is incredible and fancy to play around as you imagine your camping ground as your kingdom. Prep some medieval-style food (whole chicken dishes, loaves of bread, side dishes, and fruits), with laid-down tablecloths placed on your ever Portable Bamboo Picnic Table, while you eat using your hands and drink from your Stainless Steel Cups (giving you that classic feel or think of it as your goblet), and wine, more wine packed from WineCubby Foldable Wine Bag.


Concert / Rock Star Theme

concert rock star theme

Show them how to be a rock star! Dress as your favorite rock band or concert superstar, have your Wireless Mic, Bluetooth Speakers, or guitars ready, and perform their greatest hits (don’t be too loud though, and make sure you have the voice for it so it won’t be annoying to the ears) and your fans (pals) will follow you cheering and singing. If you have kiddos around, you can face paint them like the little rock stars they are. You can also hold a concert like a real band around the campfire and jam to the friendly campers’ tune.


Treasure Hunting Theme

treasure hunt pirates theme

Get your treasure hunting skills in place as you might need it for your camping trip. This theme may comprise of dressing up as wild west, pirates, or treasure hunters (Indiana Jones) with gears, a legend about the hidden treasure, treasure map, hunting sites, and treasures (chest with gold coins or rocks painted in gold). This is a perfect gold rush theme for the family and relatives with kids as they get to enjoy searching around looking for treasures. You can make the hunting more modern by letting them use GPS Devices for geocaching the hidden “riches”. Once they find the treasures, give them prizes!


Be excited about your next camp with these cool themes that will make your camping trip stand out.