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Popular Spooky Sites To Visit On Halloween

Halloween is fast approaching, the night is getting darker, and you’re still thinking of how best to spend the holiday. You might be wondering if horror movie marathon, scary ghost stories, or dressing up for the party would be enough. What you watch, wear, and hear may not suffice the kind of creeps you really want to experience. As an outdoor enthusiast, you may want to take on a different adventure route. If you’re up for a terrifying trip, then we can definitely help you achieve a real-life, horrifying experience with these popular spooky sites to visit on Halloween.


Alcatraz - San Francisco, California

Alcatraz - San Francisco, California

Alcatraz is on top of our list as the most popular spooky site to visit. You may have heard a lot of stories about this former max security prison for the criminals and gangsters. But murder and ghost stories, cries, and moans in cell blocks and the surrounding area are just hearsay unless you go in and experience it yourself especially at night.


Old Idaho Penitentiary - Idaho

Old Idaho Penitentiary - Idaho

As you traverse the haunted Old Idaho Penitentiary, be ready to feel the heavy atmosphere of the place, to hear voices calling from the walls, and to see apparitions live and in pictures. Wear your Best Men’s or Women’s Trail Running Shoes just in case you want to run away from the area.


Sloss Furnaces - Birmingham, Alabama

Sloss Furnaces - Birmingham, Alabama

This old, rusty industrial site with an eerie vibe is a must-visit this Halloween. “Slag”, the foreman who ran the Sloss Furnaces in the 1900s lost 47 of his workers with his assaults, then later fell to his death on the melted ore. With numerous creepy sightings and attacks of unrest souls and demons, it has become popular as well for paranormal investigations.


Shanghai Tunnels - Portland, Oregon

Shanghai Tunnels - Portland, Oregon

The dank, creepy, dusty Shanghai Tunnels is the connecting network from the basements of Old Town Chinatown to the waterfront. It has been bombarded with ghost stories of slaves, prostitutes, and victims of human trafficking for you to explore. Equipped yourself with the Best Headlamp as you travel along the tunnels.


Ghost Ranch - Santa Fe, New Mexico

Ghost Ranch - Santa Fe, New Mexico

This stunning, huge landscape in Santa Fe is filled with cattle rustlers’ stories that the place is being haunted by evil spirits, 6-foot tall creatures, and Earth babies. Though, others claimed that the rustler brothers are serial killers in the Ghost Ranch. Either way, both are terrifying and a must atmosphere to feel.


Bachelors Grove Cemetery - Midlothian, Illinois

Bachelors Grove Cemetery - Midlothian, Illinois

When you do a ghost hunt in Bachelors Grove Cemetery, you might witness unexplained sightings of glowing orbs, something emerging from the pond, and different apparitions. With the cool breeze plus eerie feels coming in, be sure to wear the Best Outdoor Jacket for Men or Women to keep you warm.


Salem, Massachusetts

Salem, Massachusetts

You can’t choose a specific horror site in Salem just because the town itself is already a cauldron for all things spooky. You can pick from haunted houses, harbor, and trolleys, ghost haunting, witchcraft, witch trials, psychic readings, and other Halloween-themed events in the city, so suit yourself.


Fort Delaware - Delaware City Delaware

Fort Delaware - Delaware City Delaware

There’s something eerie about the prisons during the Civil War. Fort Delaware is one example wherein paranormal activity heightens at nightfall, probably from the ghosts of those who were incarcerated, had war-induced psychosis and were amputated in the 1860s.


Waipio Valley - Hawaii

Waipio Valley - Hawaii

Hawaii is a paradise and a place of relaxation and fun. But like in any other place, the island, specifically in the scenic Waipio Valley, has its own creepy stories to share. They say hiking on the island at night takes courage as you might encounter the loud pounding beats and chanting of the ancient warrior ghosts. Why don’t you go take a vacation here, enjoy the place in the morning, and have a little scary adventure at night?


The Bell Witch Cave - Adams Tennessee

The Bell Witch Cave - Adams Tennessee

Most kids and adults in Tennessee have heard of the freaky stories of the Bell Witch, and some are even scared up to this date. Tourists who enter the Bell Witch Cave are taunted with the strange sounds, pulling of hair, pushing, pinching, and being held down, all because of the haunting of Kate, the Bell Witch, who tormented the Bell family in the 19th century. Don’t dare summon the malevolent spirit of Kate by saying, “I hate the Bell Witch” 100 times in front of the mirror. Be sure to light up your High Lumen Flashlight as you enter the cave.


Many cities and towns in the U.S. offer a bunch of horror-themed fests and activities. Nothing beats the good old ghost haunting and personal shivering experiences in some of the popular spooky sites to visit on Halloween.