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Perennial Flowering Plants to Grow in Early Spring


Perennial plants are plants that live for more than two years as oppose to annuals that live for a season or biennials that complete a life cycle in two years. They are a great investment in any garden due to their lifespan with some perennials retaining their leaves year-round. Perennials stay alive for so long because they stay dormant for long periods before reblooming. Though the stems die back during winter their root systems are very much alive and will regrow the following spring. Perennials are a must-have on any garden and we’ve listed a few that will absolutely brighten up your home this spring.



Hellebores or Lenten roses are perennials that start to bloom from late winter to early spring. Plant them on a hillside or a raised bed to enjoy their downward-facing bloom.




Primroses come in a spectrum of attractive colors and are quite hardy and adaptable. These plants also flower in spring though some may also do so during winter. Plant them in lightly shaded areas and well-drained soil. 



Creeping phlox

Creeping phlox produces a carpet of flowers with soft pastel hues. They are very easy to take care of and require no expert knowledge. Creeping phlox produced long spreading stems that tend to become woody with age. Trim down thicker growths to encourage flowering.

creeping phlox


Bleeding heart

Bleeding hearts are woodland plants that bloom in early spring. They are famous for their heart-shaped pillow-like flower with a colorful drop at the bottom. Trim down the leaves and stems when they begin to yellow and wither away.

bleeding heart


Baptisia or Blue False Indigo

Baptisias are large long-lived perennials that need minimum care to produce maximum results. These plants need plenty of sunlight and are extremely drought tolerant. It takes does take time to get the root system established and may take up to three years before producing flowers.



Viola or Violets

Violets have many uses in the garden and are easy to grow that they pretty much take care of themselves. Violets are often confused with Pansies which are technically still Violets, but not all Violets are Pansies. They can be planted in early spring tolerating many soil types but preferring moist well-drained soil.




Crocuses are famous as early spring bloomers. They are the first ones to bloom even if there’s  still snow. Crocuses thrive in winter conditions and will fail to grow in hot climates. Plant your crocuses under Creeping phlox and watch them come right through!




Daffodils are hardy and easy perennials that multiply quickly and bloom every spring. They are famous for their bright yellow trumpet-like flowers though they can also be white. Daffodils are suitable for planting between shrubs and look great in woodland-type gardens and in large groves.




Tulips were once the most expensive flower in the world even costing more than a person’s home. Seeing this almost symmetrical flower, it’s no wonder people find it precious. Tulips are versatile and will grow under sun or part shade.




The scent alone is enough reason to plant Hyacinths. They mix well with other spring-bloom bulbs and are best planted in groups due to their small size. Plant them in pots outdoors and bring them inside just before bloom to provide a natural indoor air freshener.




Also known as Echinacea, these tough native flowers will attract butterflies and bees in your garden. They get their name from the raised cone-like center that contains seeds. They are trouble-free drought-tolerant flowers that can take the heat and thrive in full sun.



Virginia bluebells

This pretty plant will produce quite a show, especially when in planted groups. Its cluster of bell-shaped flowers starts of as pink buds that bloom into blue trumpet-shaped flowers. Virginia bluebells thrive in partially shaded woodlands and do not need much attention. 

virginia bluebells



These daisy-like flowers come in a variety of colors and sizes. Asters may require a bit of help in maintenance but are versatile and can be used in many places. They prefer climates with cool moist summers and cool night temperatures.




These perennials are also called Stonecrops and are suitable for almost any garden design. Sedums do best in full sun but some species do tolerate partial shade. Plant your Sedums in early spring after the threat of frost.



Russian sage

With its silver-gray foliage and lavender-purple flowers, you might think it needs a ton of attention. Russian sages are a lazy gardener’s dream. They rarely require watering and thrives in dry soil. 

russian sage



Peonies are known for their beauty and fragrance and have a history of popularity in the garden. They thrive almost anywhere and are well suited and happy, may bloom for many years with little to no attention. 




Foxgloves are tall beautiful flowers that can grow up to 6 feet depending on the variety. The clustered bell-shaped flowers are magnets to bees and butterflies. Unfortunately, Foxgloves are toxic, so it’s best to keep them away from children and pets.
